The hidden potentials of the Votsalakia Beach

Topographie of the Votsalakia Beach

Embedded in two Coasts, at the Coastline of Piraeus, lies the Votsalakia Beach. A place where Folk music and the breaking of the waves mix into one pleasant background noise. Children are playing with their kites in the wind, fresh Souvlaki is being grilled at the local cafe  and people take a swim in the sea. But to reach this beautiful and lively place at the sea, one must first find their way down, from the busy street. Passing big stoney walls, abandoned green spaces, many cars and more than a few barriers. How public is this beach really? This place already has a lot of qualities other public parks are lacking of in the area. But it could even be better used, than it already is. 

The biggest potential lies in the abandoned park on top of the stoney walls. The neighbourhood of the Votsalakia beach could start to reclaim this public space and make a use of it. Since there already is a lack of green space in the whole city of Piraeus, the already existing places should at least be used from the local people. Through planting food a social responsibility would evolve and not only the stoney beach would be filled with life, but also the challenging topography of this place would have its benefit for the people. This place could become a productive hillside for the people. Gardening could become a social activity and a whole new community feeling would grow, that goes without saying.

Not much ressources are needed to transform this hillside into a productive space for the local people and the benefits for the community are worth any time that needs to be invested to convince the people of the potentials of this beautiful beach at the coastline of Piraeus.


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